7 health complications of diabetes you should know

Diabetes if uncontrolled can lead to detrimental health
complications, however, recognizing the symptoms and
acting fast can go a long way in aiding successful
The following are 7 diabetic complications and how to
overcome them:

1. Effect on fat and metabolism (Diabetic ketoacidosis)
If you’re not managing your diabetic condition properly
and you have fever, diarrhoea, vomiting and/or going
through a lot of stress or are an alcoholic, you need to be
extra careful about developing this condition called
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious condition that
can lead to diabetic coma (passing out for a long time) or
even death.When your cells don’t get the glucose they
need for energy, your body begins to burn fat for energy,
which produces ketones. Ketones are chemicals that the
body creates when it breaks down fat to use for energy.
The body does this when it doesn’t have enough insulin to
use glucose, the body’s normal source of energy. When
ketones build up in the blood, they make it more acidic.
They are a warning sign that your diabetes is out of control
or that you are getting sick.

High levels of ketones can poison the body. When levels
get too high, you can develop DKA. DKA may happen to
anyone with diabetes, though it is rare in people with type

 2. Effect on the eyes (Diabetic retinopathy)
The early symptom of eye problems related to diabetes is
blurred vision and double vision. It can also cause a
severe, permanent loss of vision. Diabetes increases the
risk of developing cataract and glaucoma.

3. Effect on kidneys (Diabetic nephropathy)
If you notice swelling in your feet and legs or around your
eyes, your kidneys might be getting affected by
uncontrolled blood sugar level. If you have hypertension
(or high BP), your chances of developing this is even
higher. Read about how uncontrolled diabetes can cause
kidney failure and stroke. 

4. Effect on nerves (Diabetic neuropathy)
Diabetic gangrene (infection of the leg, leading to decay
of flesh) can occur and the leg may have to be
amputated. Uncontrolled diabetes can also affect nerves
that control your heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion,
blood flow to organs etc leading to diarrhoea, erectile
dysfunction, loss of bladder control, vision changes, and

5. Effect on heart
If you are a smoker, have high blood pressure, are grossly
overweight and/or have a family history of diabetes and
are diagnosed with diabetes, you have a greater risk of
developing heart disease and strokes. 

6. Erectile dysfunction
According to statistics, up to 60-70% of men having
diabetes will experience problems with erection in their
lifetime, says Dr Rajiv Kovil, consultant diabetologist.

7. Hair loss
Diabetes negatively affects the body’s circulatory system.
If diabetes is causing poor blood circulation to the scalp,
the hair follicles will die resulting in hair loss. Furthermore,
this poor circulation may prevent further hair growth.

If you are a diabetic, you are now more aware of the
complications that would arise if you do not take your
medications regularly and/or go for regular medical
check-ups. If you aren’t one, you better work on your
lifestyle and diet habits so that you can prevent the
disease. Also, exercise acts like a multi-intent drug that
can work off several problems like obesity, hypertension
and high cholesterol associated with diabetes.


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