How To Naturally Prevent And Reverse Diabetes

If you have diabetes or suffer from the symptoms, this article should save you huge costs, time and other resources that you may have invested in expensive and ineffective management therapies.

Diabetes, if poorly managed, can lead to premature heart attack, eyesight problems, obesity, kidney malfunction, cancer, poor functioning nerves, and even death.

Now, here are a few of the essential things to do if you want to effectively manage and even reverse your diabetic condition:

1. Eliminate refined sugars from your diet! There is a class of foods better known as High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). These are refined sugars that are made from corn starch and used to preserve foods. Unlike some other sugar preservatives, HFCS delays the expiring date of foods by making them very sweet.

Unfortunately, the sweeter these foods are, the more you want to eat them. Foods that contain HFCS include, but are not limited to, baking and cooking ingredients, beverages, bread, cereals, pastries, candies, cookies and cakes, cough syrups, crackers, dairy products, ice creams, jellies, sauces, salad dressings, and snacks.

2. Get adequate vitamin D supplements. A lack of vitamin D is one of the top causes of diabetes. Insufficient vitamin D in the body results in immune suppression, cancer, kidney diseases, heart diseases, etc.
Sunshine is a good source of vitamin D, but vitamin D supplements are a better alternative as they can quickly and adequately provide what the body needs.

3. Be physically active. A proper exercise routine, even if it is just 10 minutes daily, can go a long way to curb high glucose levels and reduce the symptoms of diabetes.

With these few lifestyle changes, you can prevent and even reverse the damaging effect of diabetes within a short period, irrespective of the management and treatment therapies that you may have tried.


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